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Name Position Phone Location Email
Laine, Paivo, Prof. Dr. Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern paivo.laine(at)
Lamas, Ingrid Employee Study Office + 49 60 21 4206 - 769 Room C1/01/101 ingrid.lamas(at)
Lamotte, Julia Employee University Management + 49 60 21 4206 - 556 Room C1/24/206 julia.lamotte(at)
Lange, Michael, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 369 Room Extern michael.lange(at)
Larsen, Valerie Lecturer for special tasks Faculty of Health Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 406 Room C2/307 valerie.larsen(at)
Lauer, Thomas, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 737 Room C1/20/E22 thomas.lauer(at)
Lawerentz, Suzanne Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern info(at)
Legler, Alexander, Dr. jur Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern alexander.legler(at)
Leimeister, Katja Scientific Assistant Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 331 Room C2/01/220 katja.leimeister(at)
Liebert, Anke Employee Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 380 Room C1/VentureLa anke.liebert(at)
Lindauer, Juergen Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern info(at)
Link, Renate, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 952 Room C1/41/007
Lips, Dennis, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 726 Room C1/5/117 dennis.lips(at)
Lips, Werner Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern stali(at)
Lohrer, Stefan, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 715 Room C1/20/105 stefan.lohrer(at)
Lutz, Christian, M.Eng. Scientific Assistant Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 22 813 - 0 Room ZW/07 christian.lutz(at)