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Name Position Phone Location Email
Haas, André Employee Computer Centre + 49 60 21 4206 - 764 Room C1/20/203 andre.haas(at)
Hares, Bärbel Employee Study Office + 49 60 21 4206 - 624 Room C1/01/101 baerbel.hares(at)
Härtling, Corinna Employee Personnel + 49 60 21 4206 - 426 Room C1/22/E01 corinna-haertling(at)
Hartmann, Kilian, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 933 Room C1/43/105 kilian.hartmann(at)
Harwart, Ann-Kathrin Employee Computer Centre + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room C1/01/108 ann-kathrin.harwart(at)
Hauenschild, Lisa Director Marketing + 49 60 21 4206 - 661 Room C1/91/005 lisa.hauenschild(at)
Heberer, Eva, Dr. Employee university management + 49 60 21 4206 - 504 Room C1/22/E08 eva.heberer(at)
Hefter, Alexander Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Fakultät Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik + 49 60 21 4206 - 583 Room NETZ Alzenau alexander.hefter(at)
Heimberger Ramirez, Alexandra Employee Library + 49 60 21 4206 - 443 Room C1/25/004 alexandra.heimbergerramirez(at)
Heinbücher, Christiane Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 308 Room C1/02/110 christiane.heinbuecher(at)
Heininger, Sam Marketing Assistant + 49 60 21 4206 - 550 Room C1/22/E07 s210195(at)
Heininger, Nina Lecturer Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern info(at)
Helfrich, Kerstin, Dr. Advisor to the university management + 49 60 21 4206 - 399 Room C1/22/207 kerstin.helfrich(at)
Hellmann, Ralf, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 874 Room C1/24/104 ralf.hellmann(at)
Herold, Christine Employee Library + 49 60 21 4206 - 616 Room C1/25/002 christine.herold(at)
Herrmann, Steffen Employee Computer Centre + 49 60 21 4206 - 572 Room C1/20/220 steffen.herrmann(at)
Hertrich, Felicia Employee Study Office + 49 60 21 4206 - 427 Room C1/01/106 felicia.hertrich(at)
Hessler, Birgit Employee Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 700 Room C1/20/122 birgit.hessler(at)
Hetzel, Manuel Scientific Assistant Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 576 Room C1/26/411 manuel.hetzel(at)
Hezel, Katrin Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 515 Room C1/02/204 katrin.hezel(at)
Hildenbrand, Georg, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 971 Room C1/04/102 georg.hildenbrand(at)
Hinrichs, Carolin Lecturer for special tasks Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 539 Room C2/01/122 carolin.hinrichs(at)
Hirdina, Ralph, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 710 Room C1/20/103 ralph.hirdina(at)
Hitzinger, Hans Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 829 Room C1/26/117 hans.hitzinger(at)
Hobelsberger, Susanne Employee University Management + 49 60 21 4206 - 612 Room C1/22/109 susanne.hobelsberger(at)
Hochstetter, Marvin Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 342 Room C1/40/130 marvin.hochstetter(at)
Hock, Sabine Director Study Office + 49 60 21 4206 - 623 Room C1/01/107 sabine.hock(at)
Hock, Isabell Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 321 Room C1/40/130 isabell.hock(at)
Hoffmann, Sybilla Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Raum Extern dozent23023(at)
Hofmann, Georg Rainer, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 709 Room C1/20/219 georgrainer.hofmann(at)
Hofmann, Philip, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 794 Room C1/05/114 philip.hofmann(at)
Hofmann, Felix Trainee Computer Centre + 49 60 21 4206 - 520 Room C1/20/204 felix.hofmann(at)
Hofmann, Christian Lecturer Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern info(at)
Hohmann, Ariane Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Raum Extern dozent23005(at)
Hölter, Jan Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room C1/40/120 jan.hoelter(at)
Homes, Stefan Scientific Assistant Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 453 Room C1/VentureLa
Honzik, Klaus Lecturer Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 93 1 991 602 5 Room Extern k.honzik(at)
Hubert, Andreas Scientific Assistant Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 312 Room C1/26/410 andreas.hubert(at)
Hufgard, Simone Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room C1/40/122 simone.hufgard(at)
Hufgard, Christopher Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room C1/26/119 christopher.hufgard(at)
Hufgard, Andreas, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 785 Room C1/20/219 andreas.hufgard(at)
Hugo, Oliver, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 929 Room C2/313 oliver.hugo(at)
Huth, Armin Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 830 Room C1/26/118 armin.huth(at)