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Name Position Phone Location Email
Radke, Klaus, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 553 Room C1/04/110 klaus.radke(at)
Radkhah-Lens, Kati, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 337 Room C1/04/101 kati.radkhah-lens(at)
Raiyn, Jamal Scientific Assistant Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 17 6 21 94 91 50 Room C2/123 jamal.raiyn(at)
Rauchalles, Manja Employee University Management + 49 60 21 4206 - 633 Room C1/22/E08 manja.rauchalles(at)
Rauscher, Carolin Employee International Office and Career Service + 49 60 21 4206 - 559 Room C1/01/E13 carolin.rauscher(at)
Reichert, Hannes Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 577 Room C1/26/410 hannes.reichert(at)
Reichert, Marvin Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern info(at)
Reimann, Sabine Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern info(at)
Reis, Michael Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 839 Room C1/26/213 michael.reis(at)
Reising, Katja Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 802 Building 24, Room E06 katja.reising(at)
Reitz, Lea Employee Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 362 Room C1/42/104 lea.reitz(at)
Reuß, Sybille Employee Technical Operations + 49 60 21 4206 - 675 Room C1/91/003 sybille.reuss(at)
Reuter, Carsten, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 502 Room C1/05/119 carsten.reuter(at)
Rickmeyer, Tim Scientific Assistant Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 62 1 420 630 3 tim.rickmeyer(at)
Riethmüller, Franziska, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 525 Room C1/24/205 franziska.riethmueller(at)
Rittich, Heinz, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 707 Room C1/20/104 heinz.rittich(at)
Robinson, Niklas Employee Technical Operations + 49 60 21 4206 - 747 Room C1/91/013 niklas-robinson(at)
Rock, Verena, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 759 Room C1/42/008 verena.rock(at)
Rosenberger, Steffen Lecturer Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 17 3 699 999 4 Room Extern info(at)
Rösner, Gisela Employee Budget + 49 60 21 4206 - 644 Room C1/01/203b gisela.roesner(at)
Roßmann, Ralf Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 951 Room C1/43/007 ralf.rossmann(at)
Roßmann, Raphael, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 906 Room C1/04/101 raphael.rossmann(at)
Roth, Udo Employee Technical Operations + 49 60 21 4206 - 684 Room C1/07/E08 udo.roth(at)
Rother, Marcel Lecturer for special tasks Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 458 Room C2/01/122 marcel.rother(at)
Rottmann, Horst, Prof. Dr. Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 0 Room Extern h.rottmann(at)
Rötzel, Peter, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 510 Room C1/24/209 peter.roetzel(at)
Rudolf, Christian Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 967 Room C1/40/E 11 christian.rudolf(at)
Ruppert, Erich, Prof. Dr. Professor Faculty of Business and Law + 49 60 21 4206 - 727 Room C1/20/E22 erich.ruppert(at)
Ruppert, Wolfgang Employee Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science + 49 60 21 4206 - 861 Room C1/02/204 wolfgang.ruppert(at)
Rüthlein, Andreas Employee Technical Operations + 49 60 21 4206 - 729 Room C1/91/013 andreas.ruethlein(at)