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Blended Total Immersion Week - Advanced Regional and Transversal Skills

May 2025 BIP Mid Sweden University

7th edition of the Pan-European FWPM as Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme on the Campus of Midsweden University in Östersund: Motto "Sustainable Business Development (with a Focus on Tourism and Related Industries)"

From May 12–16, 2025 (plus short online preparational and follow-up activities in the days before and after this period), the English-language FWPM "Blended Total Immersion Week - Advanced Regional and Transversal Skills" will take place for the 7th time as part of the new Erasmus+ programme track "Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)". This time, it will be organised for the 2nd time on the campus of Aschaffenburg UAS' partner institution Mid Sweden University in Östersund, Sweden’s fifth largest city also known as a venue for the Biathlon World Cup. Östersund sits on the shore of idyllic Lake Storsjön, said to be the home of a legendary serpent-like monster.

The FWPM is creditable with 5 ECTS towards the profile "BW/BWR International". A total of five places are available for students from Aschaffenburg UAS. The other participants come from our partner universities in France (Université de Bretagne Sud), Spain (Universidad Málaga), Finland (Turku University of Applied Sciences), Sweden (Mid Sweden University) and Italy (the new consortium partner Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). The elective is hosted by one of these European partners in turn each semester and took place for the first time in March 2022 organised by Aschaffenburg UAS.

The motto of the BIP at Mid Sweden University is "Sustainable Business Development (with a Focus on Tourism and Related Industries)"; as a project task, the participants will jointly explore the trends of tomorrow’s sustainable and ethical business as well as leadership concepts and, amongst others, get insights into the Swedish tourism and gastronomy industries.

In addition to subject-specific and intercultural content, the underlying concept of Total Immersion includes a language taster course in Swedish/tandem partnerships as well as cultural activities like immersing themselves in early Swedish summer days characterised by long days and short nights with a very late sunset site during outings to the beautiful surrounding forests and a day trip to Åre, Scandinavia's best mountain resort, and the county of Jämtland.


If you are at least in the 3rd semester of a Bachelor programme at the Faculty of Business and Law and are interested in this FWPM, you can apply for one of the five places for students of Aschaffenburg UAS exclusively by sending a letter of motivation in English (1 page, Arial 11p, 1.5 spacing) to the International Office (international-office(at) and Prof. Dr. Renate Link ( by February 15, 2025.

 For further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Renate Link at


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