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The project seeks to establish a shared knowledge platform, foster collaborative networks, and enhance the expertise of specialists and managers through advanced training in robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI)

NaReRoKI enhances the capabilities of Bavarian companies by equipping specialists and managers with advanced methodologies in robot process automation, artificial intelligence and resource efficiency.


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The project supports Bavarian companies by providing advanced training for specialists and managers, focousing on the application of methods in robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and resource efficiency. The goal to enhance the ecological sustainablility, operational efficiency and crisis resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

News and dates

  1. Network meeting

    We will notify you of the date of the next workshop and the datails of the most recent network meetings as soon as possible.

    We ask that you kindly confirm or cancel your participation at your earliest convenience.


The project aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) become more environmentally sustainable, efficient and resilient to crises. The aim is to create a win-win situation in which companies are both more ecological and more cost-effective. Digitalisation offers opportunities to use resources and business processes more efficiently, but also, for example, to increase equiptment effectiveness with the help of artificial intelligence. This will be accomplished by creating a shared knowledge platform, fostering networking opportunities and providing targeted advanced training of specialists and managers in the areas of robotic process automation (RPA) and in the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) relevant to SMEs.

  • Raise awareness among professional and managerial staff of the opportunities and challenges of RPA and AI

    RPA and AI applications can identify suitable processes and production or service elements, examine feasibility studies and weigh opportunities and risks.
    They can also consider critical factors beyond technology, especially employee acceptance and other stakeholder interests.
    Raising awareness and transferring knowledge of and for specialists and managers regarding the opportunities and challenges in the area of RPA, AI and resource efficiency with a focus on environmental sustainability as well as corporate resilience (resistance to crises) form the bracket of the project.

  • Increasing productivity, reducing the ecological footprint and strengthening resilience

    The use of RPA and AI contributes significantly to increasing the productivity of businesses and reducing the environmental footprint, even for small businesses.
    This approach also enhances companies' resilience to crises, safeguards jobs and enables them to navigate challenging conditions with greater stability.
    Throuhg network meetings and the resulting knowledge exchange, companies will be empowered to identify and implement best practices effectively.
    A key component of this project is the implementation of benchmarking to identify potential savings in material resources and energy consumption, allowing companies to learn from one another without the risk of competitive disadvantages.
    By leveraging knowledge transfer and benchmarking, individual companies can achieve significant reductions in the resource and energy expenditures.

  • Automation of simple business and administrative processes and resource-saving production

    RPA is of particularly valuable to companies as it enables the automatation of even simple business and administrative processes, thereby enhancing productivity and process efficiency.
    For SMEs, the application of artificial intelligence to improve resource efficiency is especially significant. For example, sustainability and operational effectiveness can be signigicantly advanced through the implementation of smart monitoring technologies.
    Smart monitoring involves intelligent AI-driven applications for monitoring, analyzing and detecting malfunctions or defects in machines and industrial infrastructures at an early stage.
    This approach reduces energy and raw material consumption during productions while extending the lifespan of equiptment, machines, or robots through adaptive maintenance strategies.

Project content

  • Die Themengebiete des NaReRoKI sind miteinander verknüpft.

Project team

Registration and contact

Would you like to participate? Late registrations for participation in the project are still possible. Please register by e-mail to nareroki(at)