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KAnIS: cooperative autonomous intralogistics systems

Improving the efficiency of intralogistics processes through cooperative autonomous industrial trucks.

Cooperation partners



The automation of intralogistic processes is an important key to sustainably securing the competitiveness of companies in a market characterised by globalisation and increased competition. Due to the great importance of this topic, the TH Aschaffenburg has been cooperating for many years in the field of applied research and development with strong partners from the logistics industry. These include, for example, Linde Material Handling GmbH, one of the world's leading manufacturers of industrial trucks and an industrial partner in the "Cooperative Autonomous Intralogistics Systems" (KAnIS) project funded by the Free State of Bavaria.


The aim of the project is to develop new methods for the intelligent networking and automation of internal industrial trucks. Such a networked fleet should achieve a significant increase in the internal flow of goods and materials through cooperative behaviour in autonomous driving, order planning and order processing, as well as through the evaluation of a database that is as comprehensive as possible, and thus make a significant contribution to optimising the profitability and efficiency of intralogistics processes. The latest methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning are used for this purpose. Thematically, the project is divided into the sub-work packages "KoopLogistik" and "KoopAutonomie".


  • KoopLogistik

    -The KoopLogistik subwork package is dedicated to the central question of what new possibilities are opened up for the optimization of intralogistics processes through the targeted networking and cooperation of individual fleet members. Research is being conducted into new strategies for order planning and processing, predictive maintenance, and energy and battery management for industrial trucks. The common feature of these strategies is the targeted evaluation of a data set that is as extensive as possible, provided cooperatively and fused in the cloud. Artificial intelligence methods, the latest network theory approaches (e.g., from graph theory), and discrete-event simulation methods are used here.

    Important objectives of the optimization of intralogistic processes are:

    • the increase of the internal flow of goods and materials as well as the reduction of goods and material throughput times
    • the recording of the maintenance and wear condition of the individual fleet members
    • Based on this, the realization of intelligent order planning and predictive maintenance of the FFZ members (predictive maintenance) to prevent unnecessary downtime
    • Reducing energy costs by integrating innovative energy management systems into autonomous and learning logistics systems.
    • Maximizing the uptime of fleet members by implementing an intelligent battery/charging management system and an innovative inductive battery charging process for electrically powered FFZs.
  • KoopAutonomie

    In this subwork package, a novel cooperative approach to automating in-plant industrial truck fleets is being researched. In this approach, the individual industrial trucks (FFZs for short) make the data from their environmental sensors, their position information, and other important vehicle data available to a central unit, the cloud, via a communication platform (see the sketch below). Conversely, to supplement the data from the on-board sensors, each member of the fleet is also provided with important sensor information and vehicle data from the other FFZs, as well as the information from other sensors stationarily mounted on the premises, via radio transmission from the central unit. By means of a suitable sensor data fusion, all vehicles, regardless of their individual sensor equipment, have access to almost the same information about the vehicle environment (cooperative perception) and their own position (cooperative localization).

    Another focus of the KoopAutonomie research project is the development of methods for automatic lane guidance of FFZ. Innovative control algorithms are being researched which, on the basis of the data provided by cooperative perception and localization, enable targeted control of steering, drive and braking and thus ensure a highly accurate target path sequence (see the following sketch) as well as adherence to the specified target speed course.

    Special attention is paid here to the strongly varying steering behavior of the individual fleet members caused by the different FFZ variants and variable vehicle parameters (e.g. variable vehicle mass and center of gravity position due to load absorption). It is imperative that the latter be taken into account in controller design in order to ensure stable control loop behavior and thus safe vehicle guidance. The aim of the research is to develop a control concept that can be used universally for all FFZ variants and that adapts itself independently to the changing FFZ variants and vehicle parameters by using state-of-the-art machine learning methods.

  • Schaubild Forschungsprojekt Kanis auf dem ein rot-grauer Gabelstapler zu sehen ist
  • Digitale Abbildung zum Forschungsprojekt Kanis
  • Project participants of TH AB

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bochtler, Measurement and Circuit Technology
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Doll, Cooperative Automated Traffic Systems
    Prof. Dr. Eley, Logistics and Optimization
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Krini, Signal and Sensor Processing
    Prof.-Dr. Möckel, Mathematics, Machine Learning, Predictive Maintenance
    Prof.Dr.-Ing. Mußenbrock, Energy Management and Efficiency
    Prof. Dr. Stark, Mathematics, Signal Processing, Project Coordination
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Teigelkötter, Electric Drive Technology, Battery Management
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thielemann, Microsystems Technology and Sensors, Biological Neural Networks
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Zindler, Automation and Control Technology, Vehicle Control

  • Stefan Prokosch

    Senior VP Brand Management Linde Material Handling GmbH, Germany

    Thanks to the cooperation with Aschaffenburg UAS, we can tackle topics that we would not have been able to do on our own due to the time constraints.


Are you researching a similar topic? We would be happy to determine our cooperation potential. Please get in contact!