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AI modelling with expert knowledge for Indusrtry workspaces
  1. Artifical Intelligence and Data Science

AI modelling with integration of expert knowledge for use in industrial processes.

Cooperation partner


This project is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as part of the BayVFP Digitalisation Funding Line programme.


The demographic change and the shortage of skilled workers are leading to an outflow of industrial know-how. It is crucial to secure this expert knowledge and make it intelligently accessible in order to strengthen Germany as a high-tech hub.


This project focuses on “knowledge-based artificial intelligence” and concentrates particularly on the development of expert systems as well as their connection with classical AI models in order to create hybrid AI models that combine the best of both worlds.


Expertise manifests itself in two forms: sound knowledge about possible problems and their solutions, and the ability to perform tasks in an adept manner. In order to capture this expertise, various methods such as interviews, online surveys and observation of experts during their activities are used. In addition, documentation by employees in the form of free text is an important source of knowledge.
