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Intelligent Sensors and Signals

Secure interaction between systems

In the research field Intelligent Sensors and Signals, we are researching the development of intelligent sensors for a wide range of applications. The focus of the scientific activities is primarily set on information technology aspects of signal processing and connectivity.

Our scientists develop sensors and signal processing methods for a wide range of applications. These are radio links, human-machine interactions, traffic safety, biomedicine, radiation protection, laser process technology and recycling.


Further Projects

Labs and teams

At the moment the lab pages are only available in German. We are currently working on English content for you.

Scientists and researchers


By publishing the research results in the field of Intelligent Sensors and Signals, the scientists of Aschaffenburg UAS enrich the professional dialog within the scientific community.

Due to a wide variety of application areas of the developed sensors, companies receive important impulses for a possible increase in their efficiency and sustainability through the publications.

To the publications in Intelligent Sensors and Signals


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