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Laboratory for User-Adaptive System Interaction

Adaptive technologies improve our everyday lives. In the laboratory for user-adaptive system interaction, we work on the practical development of intelligent applications for mobility, medicine and production, for example.

Research and transfer

The laboratory team has many years of experience in user interaction, user-centred sensor and actuator technology and the use of AI processes. For companies, we offer comprehensive consulting services for the development of customised solutions. We would be happy to inform you about the various cooperation options.  

  • Vibrotaktiler Handgelenkring wird zur Optimierung der Nutzerlenkung untersucht

    Innovative sensor technology, such as a vibrotactile ring on the wrist, is being investigated for its suitability to optimise user guidance.

  • Blickerfassungssystem wird im Labor getestet.

    Non-invasive eye-tracking systems make it possible to analyse the user's visual focus of attention in real time and use it to dynamically adapt user interfaces.

  • Labormitarbeiter testet am stationären Fahrsimulator für Fahrerforschung

    Innovative sensor technology, such as a vibrotactile ring on the wrist, is being investigated for its suitability to optimise user guidance.

  • Labormitarbeiter arbeitet am Schneidplotter.

    Modern equipment such as 3D printers and cutting plotters allow complex prototypes for interfaces and interaction options to be created and tested in a short space of time.

  • Zwei Labormitarbeitende bei der Nutzerinterface-Forschung.

    The effect of adaptive user interfaces on the performance of test subjects is analysed in subject studies. State-of-the-art sensor technology is used, e.g. for electroencephalography, haemoencephalography, pupillometry or the measurement of heart rate variability.


In the lab, students can deepen their knowledge in the development and application of user-adaptive technologies. The lab provides modern facilities and resources to offer an optimal learning environment.


To enable systems to learn to understand people, the laboratory for user-adaptive system interaction has a wide range of state-of-the-art sensors and actuators at its disposal:

  • Brainwave, heart rate and skin conductance sensors for generating biofeedback applications
  • Eye-tracking systems to analyse the user's focus of attention and concentration
  • Smart wearables to provide tactile, visual and auditory feedback
  • stationary driving simulator with the latest simulation software from the Würzburg Institute of Traffic Sciences (WIVW)
  • Augmented and virtual reality headsets for creating and testing immersive user experiences
  • High-resolution 3D printer and 2D cutting plotter for rapid prototyping

By using machine learning methods, systems can interpret the complex and individual behaviour of people. The use of these AI processes enables the systems to adapt to the respective user, their condition and their needs at runtime.
