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NETZ: Technology Transfer Centre for Sustainable Energy

The NETZ Technology Transfer Centre for Sustainable Energy strengthens regional Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in developing innovations within the field of sustainable energy. Our goal is to foster a successful energy transition in Bavaria in collaboration with businesses and local municipalities.


In partnership with regional businesses and local municipalites, we are commited to addressing one of society's most pressing callenges: achieving a successful energy transition. Our goal is to establish a climate-neutral energy supply across industry, commerce, municipal facilities and private households. This requires innovative solutions to expand the use of renewable energy and reduce overall consumption.

  1. Icon_labor-003
    Driving Innovation

    We collaborate with companies and local municipalities to develop cutting-edge approaches and methods for sustainable energy generation, storage and distribution. As a part of the Hightech Transfer Bayern initiativ, we actively strengthen the region's innovative capacity economic resilience. 

  2. Icon_maschine-001
    Enhancing Energy Efficiency

    Working closely with businesses, we research strategies to transform energy-intensive industrial processes into more energy efficiency. By improving enery efficiency, we help secure economic sustainability and future business resilience.

  3. Model region for sustainable energies

    We support the development of the Bavarian Lower Main region as a model for sustainable energy and the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

Subject areas

  • Themen Technologietransferzentrum NETZ

    Thematic focus of the Sustainable Energy Technology Transfer Centre (NETZ)

The researchers at Aschaffenburg UAS contribute their practical expertise from our key research focus areas, Intelligent Systems, Materials and Knowledge Management and Structural Change, to the NETZ development projects. In the Clean Tech area, we are researching new concepts and technologies for the sustainable utilisation of resources, materials and energy. 

Close links with AI Competence Centre, the iDok doctoral college and the continuing education courses offered by the TH Academy at Aschaffenburg UAS, create a wide range of cooperation opportunities for companies and local authorities.   

  • Energy Conversion and Storage

    Electricity generation from solar and wind energy is highly dependent on the weather conditions and seasonal variation. This is why developing of innovative energy storage systems and researching new methods to convert electricity into more easily storable and transportable forms of energy are crucial to a successful energy transition.

    Key objetives include improving existing manufacturing and production processes, developing new technologies, and optimising intelligent charging management for battery storage of renewable energy.

    A particular focus is placed on the further development of hydrogen technology, which holds significant potential for the long-term storage of renewable energy.

  • Renewable Energy Generation

    Together with companies, we research innovative solutions for sustainable energy generation and management, as well as new resource-efficient production processes. 

  • Intelligent Energy Networks

    In this focus area we researche novel AI-supported strategies for forecasting and managing electricity consumption, storage and renewable generation in private households, as well as in public and corporate energy supply networks. Additional key areas of development include energy management and the direct marketing of electricity from decentralised energy supply solutions.

  • Supporting the Energy Industry

    A successful energy transition is central priority for the energy sector. Through NETZ, we support companies by providing application-oriented research and knowledge transfer services address these challenges. This includes consulting on strategy and concept development for renewable energy, as well as the preparation of economic and investment plans.

  • Energy Materials

    One of the main areas of focus is the development and testing of new separation processes for recycling important energy materials, such as those found in old batteries, PV modules and fuel cells. The project teams are also researching materials and technologies related to hydrogyn, a key element  in the energy transition.

  • Energie Efficiency

    The aim of the NETZ Technology Transfer Centre's research is to reduce energy consumption in industrial processes. Energy-intensive production steps should made more efficient and incorperate greater use of renewable energy. For companies, this transformation can be an important step towards securing their future viability in the long-term.


NETZ offers companies, especially SMEs without their own research departments, the opportunity to optimise products and processes for the benefit of increased sustainability. We conduct targeted research into company-specific solutions in real-world laboratories, which NETZ can set up in companies on request. 

We would be happy to advise you on forms of cooperation with NETZ and possible funding from public entities. We look forward to hearing from you.


NETZ recieved start-up funding of 5 million euros from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts as part of the Hightech Transfer Bayern initiative.