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Services for Students

Studentin stellt Buch in Buchregal in der Bibliothek


As a student at Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences, you are automatically registered to use the library after enrolment.

  1. Icon_dokument-001
    Library card

    The CampusCard serves as your library card. At reception of the CampusCard, you recognise the General User Regulations of the Bavarian State Libraries (ABOB) in the most recent edition.


The use of the library is generally free of charge. However, charges may apply for some services. Please always remember to return items on time, otherwise overdue fines will be charged.

Search for literature and borrowing media

  • Studentin liest in BGB in der Bibliothek

Use the search options on the homepage to start your search for specialised information:

  • Borrowing

    Students can borrow a maximum of 20 items at once. The loan period is four weeks. Renewals are possible via the library account in the library catalogue.

  • Special borrowing conditions apply for students in the specialisation of their degree

    Special borrowing conditions apply for students specialising in a degree course:

    • simultaneous loan of 40 media (instead of 20)
    • automatic first loan period renewal of media (if not reserved by other users)

    Books borrowed before the start of the specialisation programme will not be automatically renewed! You must renew these items yourself via our library catalogue.

  • Special borrowing conditions for students in the Master's programme

    Special borrowing conditions apply for Master's students:

    •     simultaneous loan of 40 media (instead of 20)
    •     automatic first loarn period renewal of media (if not reserved by other users)

    Books borrowed before the start of the specialisation programme will not be automatically renewed! You must renew these items.

  • Online access to e-media

    As a member of the Aschaffenburg UAS, you have free access to our licensed media. This requires authentication. Please note the information on accessing e-media.
    Please note the terms of use for e-media.

  • Order suggestions

    Let us know which book or journal title you think we should have in our collection, on which topic (more) literature should be available or for which book the number of copies should be increased.

    You can find the form for order suggestions in the library catalogue at the top right under ‘order suggestion’.

Study and work

  • Workspaces

    The library offers a learning environment tailored to your needs.
    Group workstations for collaborative work

    • group workstations on the ground floor
    • 2 group study rooms for 6 people on the upper floor
    • flexible workstations in the Learning Lab

    Workstations for concentrated work

    • quiet work area on the upper floor
    • 2 height-adjustable desks
    • 9 carrels, 5 of them with PC
    • 7 PC workstations on the ground floor
  • Library as a place to study

    The library should be a pleasant place for you to work.
    Please be respectful of other users:

    • Please do not take any hot or odour-intensive food into the library.
    • Please dispose of your rubbish in the bins provided.
    • Please respect the rules of the respective study area
    • Please hold conversations quietly. Please refrain from talking in the absolute silent area.

    We ask for your support - your behaviour helps to ensure that the library is a pleasant place to work and study for all users. Further information on behaviour in the library can be found in our user regulations ABOB.

  • Wifi

    For student is the wifi "eduroam" is available. You can also use the open hotspot "Bayern WLAN". Further information can be found on the it services website.

  • Print, copy, scan

    The following devices are available in the copy room on the ground floor of the library:

    Copying and printing (Follow-Me)
    There are two multifunctional devices in the copy room.
    Members of the university can use these devices to copy, scan (scan-to-mail and scan-to-folder) and collect printouts you have ordered via Follow-Me-Printing.
    The costs are billed via the printer account. Further information can be found on the IT Service pages .

    Book scanner
    A reflected-light book scanner is available in the library's copy room. The software corrects errors such as crooked pages or distorted letters in the folds of thick books. If the user has to hold the book and their fingers are also scanned, the control software removes them.
    The digital copy can be saved in PDF or JPG format on a USB stick. Compared to copying the pages, you save time and money and reduce paper consumption.

    Document scanner
    The document scanner with touchscreen scans large quantities of individual sheets, single or double-sided as required. Scanning is possible in colour and black and white and in any format smaller than or equal to A4.

    Other scanning devices are available for loan:

    Scan-Stick C-Pen
    Check availability

    Scan mouse
    Check availability

  • Work equipment

    In the "Library of Things", work equipment such as presenters, dictation machines, Bluetooth keyboards, LED ring lights etc. are available to borrow.

  • Caddies

    Lockable caddies are available for students of the Aschaffenburg UAS to borrow. A caddy

    • can be reserved via the library catalogue and borrowed for four weeks: Check availability and reserve
    • may only be used within the library
    • may only contain books that can be borrowed (no reference copies!)
    • may only contain books that you have previously borrowed.
  • Active break

    In the "Library of Things", there are activities for an active break such as volleyball, Kubb, Mölkky, balance board, yoga cards etc. available to borrow.

Academic work and writing

  • Courses and Consulting

    Courses - on site and online
    Our courses provide you with an introduction to academic research, citation, various aspects of academic writing and working with the reference management software Zotero

    Writing week
    In various live lectures, you will learn valuable information and receive practical tips on writing a scientific paper. All lectures take place online and are free of charge.

    E-learning courses
    In our e-learning courses on the Moodle platform, you will find self-learning opportunities and materials on the topics of research, citation, academic writing and working with the reference management software Zotero.

    Consulting - on site and online
    We offer individual consulting by appointments, specifically tailored to the issues of your thesis. We provide advice on issues relating to the search for academic literature, academic writing and refrencing as well as working with the reference management software Zotero.
    Please send an e-mail to biblio(at) with the following information, so we can prepare for the consultation:

    • Name
    • Email address
    • Degree programme
    • Type of thesis [specialisation, seminar paper, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, other]
    • Topic of the thesis
    • What questions do you have?
    • Appointment online | on site
    • Desired date
  • Reference management software: Zotero

    In our Moodle course academic writing@TH-AB we have a section covering working with Zotero. You should be able to start working with the software immediately afterwards.
    Individual questions regarding the Zotero software can be asked via e-mail at biblio(at)

  • Download Office 365

    The Aschaffenburg UAS provides Office 365 for free.