In the Behavioral Accounting and Finance lab students can complete their Bachelor's or Master's thesis, which also offers opportunities for doctoral research.
Information Systems Management
- Operational information systems
- Reporting
- Management Information Systems
- End-User Satisfaction and Usability
- Information retrieval
- Information overload in ERP
Management Accounting
- Controlling
- Management-Control-Systems
- Performance Management Systems
- Budgeting Systems / Key Figure Systems
Knowledge Sharing
- Knowledge management in the innovation process
- Collaboration Software
- Information sharing and knowledge exchange in enterprise social media
- Social media and knowledge sharing
- Utilising virtual communities to generate ideas
- Fairness and open innovation
Behavioral Economics and Decision Science
- Cognitive biases in management decisions
- Escalation of Commitment
- Perception of information in the decision-making process
- Informatiton Overload
Creativity and Motivation Research
- Management of creativity
- Creativity perception and incentive
- Job decisions according to creative employers
- Motivation for high potentials
Sustainability-orientated Corporate Management
- Sustainability management
- Nachhaltigeitsberichte / Sustainability Reporting & Disclosure
- Eco Management Control Systems
- Green Controlling
Risk Management / Resilience Management
- Risk perception
- Information overload and risk decisions
- Risk modelling / Monte Carlo simulation
- Digitisation risks
- Cyber risk management
Regulation on Network-based Markets (Regulatory Economics)
- Regulatory management and corporate restructuring on the electricity market
- Impact of regulation on incentive systems
Cognitive Biases in Management Decisions (Behavioural Economics and Decision Science)
- Creativity research (incentive systems, target-oriented management, corporate culture and management reporting)
- Intercultural framing and information processing
- Truthful reporting
- Escalation of loss (escalation of commitment)
- Communication and risk perception
- Impact of information and communication strategies on share prices and valuations
Controlling (Management Accounting)
- Intercultural controlling and different manager behaviour
- Management Control Systems
- Information Overload
- Risk-orientated project controlling
- Relative performance information
Public Private Partnerships
- Renegotiations between PPP and public partner
- Efficient target achievement and target agreement
- Sustainability, management control systems and resilience in the beverage industry - final thesis within a company incl. survey
- Development of a "resilience system" (organisational resilience framework) in the brewing and beverage industry using the example of a medium-sized brewery - final thesis within a company
- The interaction and complementarity of management instruments (management controls) on organisational resilience
The Laboratory Manager, Prof. Dr. Rötzel, is always happy to receive suggestions for topics. You are also welcome to submit your own suggestions. Please contact the laboratory manager.
The lab also offers the possibility of pursuing a doctorate. Detailed information and ongoing doctoral projects in the lab can be found under Research and Transfer.
Please note that the above listed links are only available in German at the moment.
Laboratory Manager
Prof. Dr. Peter Rötzel
Würzburger Straße 45
Room C1/24/209
63743 Aschaffenburg - peter.roetzel(at)
- + 49 60 21 4206 - 510
Würzburger Straße 45