We work successfully and sustainably with companies in research collaborations. We offer a wide range of possible reasearch and development services as well as consulting and assesment - also in combination with Master's and Doctoral projects.
If you are interested in a research cooperation, please contact us.
Selection of completed Research Collaborations
- Innovation Projects and Enterprise Social Media – Audi AG
- Machine Learning Efficiency – APE Engineering GmbH
- Anreize im Ideenmanagement – Daimler AG
- Stakeholdermanagement in Projekten – Pirelli Deutschland GmbH
- Analyse interkultureller Einflussfaktoren auf den Erfolg des Projektmanagements & -controllings unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Anreiz- und Informationssystemen der IPMA - WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG
Research Cooperations with Companies
- Managing Cyber Risk in Organizations – Deloitte
- Digitalisierung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel der e-Akte – Bearing Point
- Using S/4HANA for Implementing Digitalization Strategies – SAP AG
Research Cooperations with Universities
- Sustainability & Environmental Management Control Systems – Katrin Hummel (WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
- Enterprise Social Media & Control System Design – Dennis D. Fehrenbacher (MONASH University)
- Information Load, Escalation of Commitment and Culture – Burkhard Pedell (Uni Stuttgart) & Ravi Seemthamraju (University of Sydney)
- Monte Carlo Simulation & Information Overload in Decision Making - Tao Ciu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Management Control Systems and Corporate Sustainability and Resilience in the Industry
The doctoral project, conducted in collaboration with Eder & Heylands Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG, examines the relationship between operational and strategic corporate management, as well as entrepreneurial resilience and sustainability in a business context.
The goal of this research project is to explore, using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods, how measures to enhance corporate resilience can be integrated into existing management control systems (keyword: resilience-oriented management control systems). The ultimate aim is to sustainably increase the resilience of companies both in the short and long term. Additionally, the project investigates how the focus of executives shifts towards aspects of entrepreneurial resilience and working capital management in the event of a crisis.Poster "The Relationship between Resilience and Sustainability in the Organisational Context"
Poster "Bridging Management Control Systems and Organisational Resilience"Poster "Organisational Resillience and the Attention based View fo the Firm"
Doctoral opportunities in the Behavioural Accounting and Finance Lab
The laboratory offers the opportunity to do a doctorate: more information on the co-operative doctorate and possible research topics. If you are interested in a co-operative doctorate, please contact the head of the laboratory.
Laboratory Manager
Prof. Dr. Peter Rötzel
Würzburger Straße 45
Room C1/24/209
63743 Aschaffenburg - peter.roetzel(at)th-ab.de
- + 49 60 21 4206 - 510
Würzburger Straße 45
Scientific Research Assistant
Marcel Schuhmacher
Mühlweg 1
Room NETZ Alzenau
63755 Alzenau - marcel.schuhmacher(at)th-ab.de
- + 49 60 21 4206 - 334
Mühlweg 1