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Software Design International B.Sc.

Welcome to Aschaffenburg UAS! Do you want to know more about Software Design International?

Are you ready for a little trip? Then join us here!
We will show you why it is worth studying Software Design International at TH Aschaffenburg.
We look forward to seeing you!

Build your own software? Learn how to create all the applications you want – from design through to implementation!

Are you the kind of person who explores topics that range from creating websites and smartphone apps through to robotics? You enjoy using a computer, and you’re curious about how it works? You like problem-solving? You appreciate creativity, and enjoy getting your hands dirty and creating ‘stuff’? If so, you’re the right person to enrol on a degree programme that promises a wide variety of career prospects in software!

Programme content

You will learn the principles of software design and implementation:

  • Systems analysis and design
  • Software development: programming languages and technologies
  • Software engineering: software architecture, software testing, human computer, requirements engineering and usability interaction

Learn all about technologies such as:

  • Databases
  • Computer networks,
  • Foundations of IT hardware
  • Operating systems
  • Multimedia technology
  • IT security

Other fascinating areas of your studies include:

  • Project management and agile development
  • Data science:
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Machine Learning

From your sixth semester onwards you will specialise in Data Science or Digital Transformation.

  • Studierende arbeiten an einem Tablet.
  • Ein Studierender füllt eine Tabelle an einem Whiteboard aus. Zwei Studentinnen unterstützen ihn.
  • Drei Studierende aus dem Studiengang Software Design besprechen etwas an einem Desktop

Requirements for the bachelor’s degree programme

General university entrance qualification
You can find out which certificates are valid and what you need as on our page Application

Entry qualification – German


Entry qualification – English

B2; IELTS 5.5

A treat for your ears

: :

Opportunities for practical experience

Your studies offer you a variety of opportunities for practical experience. For example, in many of your courses you will apply the theory you have learned directly by engaging in a realistic project so as to be able to pursue it in greater depth. The fifth semester is a practical semester: here you go out to a company and apply everything you have learned so far in a real-life setting.

You can also write your bachelor thesis at a company. A special bonus: our cooperation with industry partners means you can apply as a working student from the second semester onwards.

The Career Service team will be glad to support and advise you on how to stay close to real-life practice. A variety of other events are planned in addition to the regular courses,

  • project weeks
  • workshops
  • practical lectures by external guests
  • excursions
  • case studies
  • project work with other students
  • individual coaching

Why study Software Design International at Aschaffenburg UAS?

The Software Design programme at Aschaffenburg UAS qualifies you to work as a software professional. The primary focus of this course is on the underlying principles of software engineering and their application to modern software engineering practices. The programme provides you with all the skills you need for your future career in software engineering. You will learn to plan and implement complex software projects efficiently and with a customer focus.

This degree programme equips you to start working life having already completed your practical work with a work placement in a company during the fifth semester. Through our partners, we work with companies to provide students with a practical placement, thereby enabling them to combine theory and practice.

Every great programme involves a blend of practical and theoretical aspects, and academic excellence is important, too. This is one of the reasons you will be required to write a bachelor’s thesis, which is the final element of the course. So in addition to learning how to programme and develop your own applications, you will come away with work experience and a bachelor thesis.

The aims and objectives of Software Design International at Aschaffenburg UAS are:

  1. Icon_glühbirne-003
    Problem solving techniques

    Develop the skills you need to problem-solve as a software engineer

  2. Icon_modell-001
    Principles and practices

    Provide an understanding of software engineering and its principles

  3. Icon_zahnrad-003
    Professional practitioner

    Become a competent practitioner in software engineering

  4. Social skills and Leadership

    Develop the social skills that enable you to become a leader and potentially take on a leadership role in the future, e.g. in project management

  5. Icon_person-005
    International Work setting

    Develop a sense of professionalism so as to be able to work comfortably in an international or German-based setting, both independently and in a team environment

Career prospects with the bachelor’s degree

You can either start out in the field of software development and computer science or head a department for quality assurance and process management. With a degree in Software Design, many doors are open to you in the world of digital, including the following careers:

  • Software Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Tester
  • Product Manager
  • Data Scientist
  • Web Developer
  • Software Project Manager
  • Application Specialist
  • Business Analyst

That covers quite a range! Whether freelance or employed: you can work for smaller companies, medium-sized businesses or large-scale companies, as well as in the public sector.

  • Studierende arbeiten an PCs in einem Vorlesungssaal.


Learn more about our application process. Start online application

If you have any questions about the application, our study office will be happy to help: study(at)

  • Rabia Bintay Nazim, Pakistan Rabia Bintay Nazim, Pakistan

    Rabia Bintay Nazim, Pakistan

    What international students say

    I chose a software design major because I’ve always had a keen interest in software development and everything that revolves around it. I do have an interest in getting a master's degree in Cyber security and I am looking forward to completing my degree and gaining various experiences and useful internships for my future. I chose Aschaffenburg because it provides a high quality of education and very interesting courses in the English language and it has a lower cost of living in comparison with other cities.

  • Nurhan Darwish Bin Mohd Nazlee, Malaysia Nurhan Darwish Bin Mohd Nazlee, Malaysia

    Nurhan Darwish Bin Mohd Nazlee, Malaysia

    What international students say

    It has been a dream for me to work with programming and software development since I was in high school. I'm hoping to work within a tech company to apply what I‘ve learned so far and experience more engagement in this field. I am excited to learn new stuff every single day at TH Aschaffenburg as my course offers such interesting course content. The program Software Design covers almost every aspect of creating software from front-end to back-end development. Aschaffenburg is a small quiet city which has have abundant history. I find a small city like this provides a lot of peace and the attractions are beautiful here.

General examination regulations

The General Examination Regulations of Aschaffenburg UAS set out general university-wide regulations for examination law. These regulations are supplemented by the Study and Examination Regulations of the individual degree programmes.

Timetable for regular students

Some English-/German-taught courses can only be found in the timetables for our degree programmes – in particular if no exchange student has chosen to register for the subject this semester. Tutorials, i.e. additional practice sessions for German-taught courses, are also found there.

You will receive further information on how to navigate the following timetables in the Studying at Aschaffenburg UAS information session during the orientation weeks.


  • Where can I get support

    Here at the university, your Bachelor's programme starts with the welcome event for the first semester students. At this welcome event you can clarify organisational questions and get to know the campus better. You will also make first contact with your fellow students. Students from advanced semesters and the programme director will be there for you all day.
    But even later on, the study programme management and the office of the Student Advisory Service will be there to help you with any questions you may have about your studies. At the Study Office you can find out everything you need to know about examinations and admissions, and the professors at our university always have an open ear for your issues. And if you need information about your stay abroad, the International Office is the place to go.

    Are you feeling lonely, have you got partnership worries or does your exam anxiety regularly rob you of sleep? Then our social counselling team is there to help. And if you have questions about student finance, BAföG student grants, social benefits and legal advice, you've come to the right place. Last but not least, the family-friendly atmosphere here at the university makes it easy for you to reconcile family and studies. Why don't you contact the Family and Women's Office and get some comprehensive advice!

    If your studies are coming to an end the Career Service will assist you with some good advice. It will advise you on questions about the application process and, using workshops, will prepare you perfectly for the job This is also where you can get contacts to corporate world.

More information