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  1. Interactive, international and innovative: ERASMUS Blended Intensive Programme “Your campus of the future"

    More than 30 Students from different partner universities meet on the campus of Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences to collaborate on greener initiatives for the university campus

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  2. Successful Graduation and Celebration of MERCURI 1 students

    An amazing two-year European Journey in four different countries

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  3. Kick-off event for the EU project "Dialog City" at Aschaffenburg UAS

    Technology is there to serve people - exchange on the future of citizen-centred digitalisation

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  4. Official Opening of AEI-ASEM Summer School

    TH AB is this year the European host for the online AEI-ASEM Summer School themed “Civic Engagement and Sustainable Development”

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  5. Third Japanese partner university for AUAS

    Agreement signed with the renowned Aoyama Gaguin University

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  6. Cooperation ideas for research and teaching

    Scientists from the French partner university UBS and Aschaffenburg UAS met for a professional dialogue

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  7. Global Venture Week joins Global Master School

    President of TH AB welcomes around fifty international students and lecturers from partner universities in Canada, Finland, South Africa, Ukraine and the USA

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    Eine Gruppe Studierenden sowie Professorinnen und Professoren in einem großen Saal der Hochschule vor einem Wandgemälde
  8. Delegation from the Greek partner university visits Aschaffenburg UAS

    Professors and Master's students from the National and Kapodistrias University of Athens exchanged ideas with the Institute for Intercultural Communication (IIK) of AUAS on their study tour

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  9. Europe Day on the Aschaffenburg UAS campus

    Opening of a theme trail with display boards on the values of the European Union in German and English together with students

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  10. German courses for Ukrainian refugees launched at Aschaffenburg UAS

    Mayor and university management welcomed the first participants of the language course at the University of Applied Sciences

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  11. Another Triple Success of the TH AB Institute for Intercultural Communication

    Institute members represented with three papers in three sections of the virtual APAIE Conference 2022

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